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Daniel Reuß

Schmidl et al: PLOS Pathogens

Roger Dumke, Marius Hausner, Enno Jacobs
Role of Mycoplasma pneumoniae glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in mediating interactions with the human extracellular matrix.
Microbiology (Reading): 2011, 157(Pt 8);2328-2338
[PubMed:21546586] [] [DOI] (I p)

R Herrmann, B Reiner
Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma genitalium: a comparison of two closely related bacterial species.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 1998, 1(5);572-9
[PubMed:10066529] [] [DOI] (P p)

AccD AccB SinI SlrA SlrRPbpA GlyQGlyS

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ClpX SdhASdhB SdhC UvrBUvrC

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KtrBKtrA PbpD MalRMalK MrpBMrpA MrpC MrpD MrpE MrpF MrpG

DegQ IscUSufU SufS CssSCssR YvrG

SdpRSdpI YkzW YvfTYvfU RsbQ AcoR RocR EpsAEpsB PsdSPsdR UvrB

CotGCotB YwrAYwrB TkmA PtpZ Ugd

Ssb SsbB Ldh YvyG YnfE Asd YorK LicC


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