ABC transporter

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Uptake of carbon sources

ATPase subunit of multiple sugar transport systems

Uptake of amino acids

Uptake of peptides

Uptake of compatible solutes for osmoprotection

Uptake of iron/ siderophores

Uptake of ions

Uptake of cofactors

ABC transporters of unknown function


Efflux of antibiotics

  • BceA-BceB: export of bacitracin
  • VmlR: efflux of virginiamycin M and lincomycin
  • BmrA: efflux of multiple antibiotics
  • YheH-YheI: efflux of multiple antibiotics

Export of antibiotic substances

Export of toxic peptides

Export of cell wall components

Export of ions

Exporters of unknown function

Regulatory ABC transporters

  • CydC-CydD: required for expression of cytochrome bd
  • EcsA-EcsB: regulation of the secretion apparatus and of intra-membrane proteolysis
  • FtsE-FtsX: activation of Spo0A and initiation of sporulation
  • YheH-YheI: involved in the signalling pathway to activate KinA at the onset of sporulation
  • SufC: required for the synthesis of Fe-S clusters
  • YydI-(YydJ-YydH): control of LiaR-LiaS activity

Relevant publications

Y Quentin, G Fichant, F Denizot
Inventory, assembly and analysis of Bacillus subtilis ABC transport systems.
J Mol Biol: 1999, 287(3);467-84
[PubMed:10092453] [] [DOI] (P p)

C F Higgins
ABC transporters: from microorganisms to man.
Annu Rev Cell Biol: 1992, 8;67-113
[PubMed:1282354] [] [DOI] (P p)

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