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  • Description: Sigma subunit of the RNA polymerase, Sigma-54, Sigma L

Gene name sigL
Essential no
Product RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor (sigma-L)
Function utilization of arginin, acetoin, and fructose, required for cold adaptation
MW, pI 49,5 kDa, 7.79
Gene length, protein length 1308 bp, 436 amino acids
Immediate neighbours yvfG, yvfH
Gene sequence (+200bp) Protein sequence
Genetic context
SigL context.gif

The gene

Basic information

  • Coordinates: 3511532 - 3512839

Phenotypes of a mutant

Database entries

  • DBTBS entry: [1]
  • SubtiList entry: [2]

Additional information

The protein

Basic information/ Evolution

  • Catalyzed reaction/ biological activity: Binding to promoters of the -12, -24 type
  • Protein family: sigma-54 factor family
  • Paralogous protein(s):

Extended information on the protein

  • Kinetic information:
  • Domains:
    • DNA binding domain (H-T-H motif) (324–343)
    • pron box domain (413–421)
    • 3 x Compositional bias domain (6–21),(32–53),(112–136)
  • Modification:
  • Cofactor(s):
  • Effectors of protein activity:
  • Localization:

Database entries

  • Structure:
  • Swiss prot entry: [3]
  • KEGG entry: [4]

Additional information

Expression and regulation

  • Operon:
  • Sigma factor:
  • Regulatory mechanism: transcriptional roadblock
  • Additional information:

Biological materials

Labs working on this gene/protein

Michel Debarbouille, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France Homepage

Your additional remarks


  1. Ali, N. O., Bignon, J., Rapoport, G., and Débarbouillé, M. (2001) Regulation of the acetoin catabolic pathway is controlled by sigma L in Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 183, 2497-2504. PubMed
  2. Belitsky BR, Sonenshein AL (1998) Role and regulation of Bacillus subtilis glutamate dehydrogenase genes. J Bacteriol 180:6298-6305. PubMed
  3. Choi SK, Saier MH Jr: (2005) Regulation of sigL expression by the catabolite control protein CcpA involves a roadblock mechanism in Bacillus subtilis: potential connection between carbon and nitrogen metabolism. J Bacteriol , 187:6856-6861. PubMed
  4. Débarbouillé M, Martin-Verstraete I, Kunst F, Rapoport G: (1991) The Bacillus subtilis sigL gene encodes an equivalent of 54 from Gram-negative bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA , 88:9092-9096. PubMed
  5. Martin-Verstraete I, Débarbouillé M, Klier A, Rapoport G: (1992) Mutagenesis of the Bacillus subtilis ‘-12, -24’ promoter of the levanase operon and evidence for the existence of an upstream activating sequence. J Mol Biol , 226:85-99. PubMed