Important Reviews
controls expression of the tenA-tenI-thiO-thiS-thiG-thiF-thiD and thiU-thiV-thiW-thiX operons as well as of the thiC, thiT, and ylmB genes in response to thiamine. Thiamine pyrophosphate binds the Thi-box resulting in reduced expression.
Narasimhan Sudarsan, Smadar Cohen-Chalamish, Shingo Nakamura, Gail Mitchell Emilsson, Ronald R Breaker
Thiamine pyrophosphate riboswitches are targets for the antimicrobial compound pyrithiamine.
Chem Biol: 2005, 12(12);1325-35
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Dmitry A Rodionov, Alexey G Vitreschak, Andrey A Mironov, Mikhail S Gelfand
Comparative genomics of thiamin biosynthesis in procaryotes. New genes and regulatory mechanisms.
J Biol Chem: 2002, 277(50);48949-59
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