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Pages for all genes are available, but the information is not complete. Besides gene pages, there are also pages on other topics available.
Here you can find some examples:
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genes | plasmids |
gltA | pGP380 |
gltB | pGP382 |
gltC | pBQ200 |
rocG | pAC5 |
rocR | pAC6 |
ahrC | pAC7 |
ccpA | pGP172 |
crh | pGP570 |
glcT | pGP570 |
ptsG | pGP570 |
ptsH | pGP574 |
ptsI | pWH844 |
pckA | methods |
rny | BACTH |
ymdB | user pages |
sr1 | Jörg Stülke |
pgi | User:Jwveening |
pgi | User:Mark Leaver |
pfkA | lists |
fbaA | Sigma factors |
tpi | genes controlled by SigA |
gapA | Labs working on Bacillus |
gapB | templates |
pgk | template |
pgm | templatelab |
eno | templatelit |
ccpN | templateplasmid |
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