SigM regulon
Regulator | |
- The SigM regulon is induced by cell wall-active antibiotics like vancomycin and bacitracin, as well as a variety of other stresses
- Expression of the SigM regulon in increased in ugtP mutants PubMed
Genes in this regulon
- abh
- amj
- bcrC
- coaX
- ddl
- disA
- divIB
- divIC
- dltA-dltB-dltC-dltD-dltE
- fatR
- ftsH
- hprT
- ispD
- metA
- mreB-mreC-mreD-minC-minD
- murB
- murF
- ponA
- pbpX
- radC
- rapD
- recU
- rodA
- sasA
- sbp
- secDF
- sigM
- spx
- tagT
- tagU
- tilS
- ugtP
- yacC
- yacL
- yceC-yceD-yceE-yceF
- yceG
- yceH
- ycgQ
- ycgR
- yebC
- yfnI
- yhdK
- yhdL
- yjbC
- ylxW
- ylxX
- yngC
- ypbG
- ypuA
- ypuD
- yqjL
- yrhH
- yrhJ
- ytpA
- ytpB
- ywbN
- ywbO
- ywnJ
Important publications on the SigM regulon