Main Page
Welcome to SubtiWiki! - Bacillus subtilis annotation the "wiki" way!
Contact: General Microbiology, University of Göttingen, send mail
Upcoming events:
- March 14 - 16, 2011: The European BACELL meeting will take place in Göttingen, Germany. contact, website
- June 2011: The 16th International Conference on Bacilli (aka 6th International Conference on Gram-positive Microorganisms) will take place in lovely Tuscany, Italy. Conference website
News in SubtiWiki:
- December 2010: the beta version of an interactive protein-protein interaction map is available here (just replace "PtsH" in the browser line by the protein of your interest)
- December 2010: SubtiCellPublisher allows the conversion of CellDesigner diagrams to navigatable presentations in the style of SubtiPathways
- December 2010: all genes are linked to regulons, and the pages of the regulons provide an overview on all genes that are members of this specific regulon.
- December 2010: all genes/proteins are linked to categories, and the pages of the categories provide an overview on all genes/proteins that are members of this specific category.
- November 2010: a beta version of SubtInteract is online
- August 2010: several new pathway maps including Utilization of other nitrogen sources, Biotin synthesis, Murein recycling, and Protein secretion were uploaded to SubtiPathways
- July 2010: A manually curated functional classification of Bacillus genes can be downloaded here.
- March 2010: novel plasmids for the creation of strains expressing proteins with a C-terminal triple FLAG-tag (for simple immunological analysis of the proteins, pGP1087 and pGP1331)
Publications describing SubtiWiki and SubtiPathways: