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Mycoplasmas as minimal organisms

Sebastian R Schmidl, Katrin Gronau, Nico Pietack, Michael Hecker, Dörte Becher, Jörg Stülke
The phosphoproteome of the minimal bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae: analysis of the complete known Ser/Thr kinome suggests the existence of novel kinases.
Mol Cell Proteomics: 2010, 9(6);1228-42
[PubMed:20097688] [] [DOI] (I p)

Sebastian Kühner, Vera van Noort, Matthew J Betts, Alejandra Leo-Macias, Claire Batisse, Michaela Rode, Takuji Yamada, Tobias Maier, Samuel Bader, Pedro Beltran-Alvarez, Daniel Castaño-Diez, Wei-Hua Chen, Damien Devos, Marc Güell, Tomas Norambuena, Ines Racke, Vladimir Rybin, Alexander Schmidt, Eva Yus, Ruedi Aebersold, Richard Herrmann, Bettina Böttcher, Achilleas S Frangakis, Robert B Russell, Luis Serrano, Peer Bork, Anne-Claude Gavin
Proteome organization in a genome-reduced bacterium.
Science: 2009, 326(5957);1235-40
[PubMed:19965468] [] [DOI] (I p)

Sven Halbedel, Claudine Hames, Jörg Stülke
Regulation of carbon metabolism in the mollicutes and its relation to virulence.
J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol: 2007, 12(1-2);147-54
[PubMed:17183222] [] [DOI] (P p)

Identification of a minimal gene set

Yusuke Azuma, Motonori Ota
An evaluation of minimal cellular functions to sustain a bacterial cell.
BMC Syst Biol: 2009, 3;111
[PubMed:19943949] [] [DOI] (I e)

Steps on the way to an artificial organism



James A Lake
Evidence for an early prokaryotic endosymbiosis.
Nature: 2009, 460(7258);967-71
[PubMed:19693078] [] [DOI] (I p)

Fumito Maruyama, Mitsuhiko Kobata, Ken Kurokawa, Keishin Nishida, Atsuo Sakurai, Kazuhiko Nakano, Ryota Nomura, Shigetada Kawabata, Takashi Ooshima, Kenta Nakai, Masahira Hattori, Shigeyuki Hamada, Ichiro Nakagawa
Comparative genomic analyses of Streptococcus mutans provide insights into chromosomal shuffling and species-specific content.
BMC Genomics: 2009, 10;358
[PubMed:19656368] [] [DOI] (I e)

Antoine Danchin, Gang Fang, Stanislas Noria
The extant core bacterial proteome is an archive of the origin of life.
Proteomics: 2007, 7(6);875-89
[PubMed:17370266] [] [DOI] (P p)

J Peter Gogarten, Jeffrey P Townsend
Horizontal gene transfer, genome innovation and evolution.
Nat Rev Microbiol: 2005, 3(9);679-87
[PubMed:16138096] [] [DOI] (P p)