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tlrB operon [2019-11-15 16:22:22]
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tlrB operon [2019-11-15 16:22:22]



  • induced in the presence of tylosin (transcription attenuation and translation attenuation in the absence of tylosin) [Pubmed|31719185]
  • induction depends on [protein|43CFA3477B4EEB4CE0B2DF63ED2B5EDB171E79C7|NusG]-dependent [SW|RNA polymeras]e pausing between the leader peptide and [gene|65253C69BAE9679FE4475BFF76BBABBB0FA70C30|tlrB] coding sequences [Pubmed|31719185]
  • additional information

  • a [protein|8887ADC77C43F21CD375BDAA4D38E940786DAD4F|NusA]-dependent terminator and an SD-sequestering hairpin are present in the [gene|65253C69BAE9679FE4475BFF76BBABBB0FA70C30|tlrB] leader [Pubmed|31719185,27120414]