response regulator aspartate phosphatase (RapI) regulator
control of the transfer of the
mobile genetic element ICEBs1
phosphatase (RapI) regulator
Genomic Context
[category|SW 3|Information processing] → [category|SW 3.4|Regulation of gene expression] → [category|SW 3.4.2|Transcription factors and their control] → [category|SW|Control of transcription factor (other than two-component system)][category|SW 3|Information processing] → [category|SW 3.4|Regulation of gene expression] → [category|SW 3.4.8|Quorum sensing][category|SW 5|Prophages and mobile genetic elements] → [category|SW 5.2|Mobile genetic elements] → [category|SW 5.2.1|ICEBs1][category|SW 6|Groups of genes] → [category|SW 6.8|Short peptides][SW|Categories] containing this gene/protein
[SW|protein modification], [SW|transcription factors and their control], [SW|quorum sensing], [SW|mobile genetic elements], [SW|short peptides]This gene is a member of the following [SW|regulons]
[SW|SigH regulon]Gene
Coordinates on the chromosome (coding sequence)
548,438 -> 548,557
The protein
Catalyzed reaction/ biological activity
binds [protein|search|RapI] and inhibits its activity, this results in contiuned repression of the genes for the transfer of the mobile genetic element ICEBs1 by [protein|search|ImmR] [Pubmed|17511812]Protein family
phr family (according to Swiss-Prot)[SW|Interactions]
[protein|search|PhrI]-[protein|search|RapI] [Pubmed|17511812]Expression and Regulation
''[protein|search|rapI]-[protein|search|phrI]'' [Pubmed|11466295]''phrI'' [Pubmed|11466295][SW|Sigma factor]
''phrI'': [protein|search|SigA], [protein|search|SigH] [Pubmed|11466295]References
Original publications