UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase, general stress protein
biosynthesis of teichoic acid
UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase
Genomic Context
[category|SW 1|Cellular processes] → [category|SW 1.1|Cell envelope and cell division] → [category|SW 1.1.1|Cell wall synthesis] → [category|SW|Biosynthesis of teichoic acid][category|SW 2|Metabolism] → [category|SW 2.4|Lipid metabolism] → [category|SW 2.4.3|Lipid metabolism/ other][category|SW 2|Metabolism] → [category|SW 2.6|Additional metabolic pathways] → [category|SW 2.6.1|Biosynthesis of cell wall components] → [category|SW|Biosynthesis of teichoic acid][category|SW 4|Lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.3|Coping with stress] → [category|SW 4.3.1|General stress proteins (controlled by SigB)][category|SW 6|Groups of genes] → [category|SW 6.4|Phosphoproteins] → [category|SW 6.4.1|Phosphorylation on an Arg residue][category|SW 6|Groups of genes] → [category|SW 6.4|Phosphoproteins] → [category|SW 6.4.8|Phosphorylation on either a Ser, Thr or Tyr residue][SW|Categories] containing this gene/protein
[SW|cell wall synthesis], [SW|lipid metabolism/ other], [SW|biosynthesis of cell wall components], [SW|general stress proteins (controlled by SigB)], [SW|phosphoproteins], [SW|sporulation/ other]This gene is a member of the following [SW|regulons]
[SW|SigB regulon]Gene
Coordinates on the chromosome (coding sequence)
3,665,629 -> 3,666,507
Phenotypes of a mutant
the inactivation of ''[protein|search|gtaB]'' suppresses the poor and filametous growth of the ''[protein|search|yvcL] [protein|search|zapA]'' double mutant [Pubmed|24097947]inactivation of ''[SW|gtaB]'' reduces sporulation efficiency to 0.1% that of wild type cells; smaller, wider mother cells with small forespores [Pubmed|26735940]The protein
Catalyzed reaction/ biological activity
UTP alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate UDP-glucose (according to Swiss-Prot) Protein family
UDPGP type 2 family (according to Swiss-Prot)Paralogous protein(s)
[protein|search|YngB], [protein|search|YtdA]Modification
phosphorylated on Arg-76 [Pubmed|22517742]phosphorylated on ser/ thr/ tyr [Pubmed|16493705]Structure
[PDB|2E3D] (from ''E. coli'', 44% identity, 61% similarity) [Pubmed|17322528]Expression and Regulation
''gtaB'' [Pubmed|8320212][SW|Sigma factor]
[protein|search|SigA] [Pubmed|8320212], [protein|search|SigB] [Pubmed|8320212,11544224]Regulation
induced by stress ([protein|search|SigB]) [Pubmed|8320212,11544224]References