osmo-sensing two-component sensor kinase, phosphorylates Spo0F, part of the phosphorelay, checkpoint protein that links sporulation initiation to biofilm formation
initiation of sporulation
two-component sensor kinase
Genomic Context
[category|SW 3|Information processing] → [category|SW 3.3|Protein synthesis, modification and degradation] → [category|SW 3.3.4|Protein modification] → [category|SW|Protein kinases][category|SW 3|Information processing] → [category|SW 3.4|Regulation of gene expression] → [category|SW 3.4.2|Transcription factors and their control] → [category|SW|Control of two-component response regulators] → [category|SW|Two-component sensor kinase][category|SW 3|Information processing] → [category|SW 3.4|Regulation of gene expression] → [category|SW 3.4.7|phosphorelay] → [category|SW|The kinases][category|SW 4|Lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.1|Exponential and early post-exponential lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.1.2|Biofilm formation][category|SW 4|Lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.1|Exponential and early post-exponential lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.1.2|Biofilm formation] → [category|SW|Regulation][category|SW 4|Lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.2|Sporulation] → [category|SW 4.2.2|phosphorelay] → [category|SW|The kinases][category|SW 6|Groups of genes] → [category|SW 6.2|Membrane proteins][category|SW 6|Groups of genes] → [category|SW 6.4|Phosphoproteins] → [category|SW 6.4.4|Phosphorylation on a His residue][SW|Categories] containing this gene/protein
[SW|protein modification], [SW|transcription factors and their control], [SW|phosphorelay], [SW|biofilm formation], [SW|membrane proteins], [SW|phosphoproteins]Gene
Coordinates on the chromosome (coding sequence)
1,431,486 -> 1,433,006
Phenotypes of a mutant
deletion of ''kinD'' suppresses the [SW|sporulation] defect of matrix mutants, while its overproduction delays [SW|sporulation] [Pubmed|20689749]inactivation of ''[protein|search|kinD]'' restores beta-lactam resistance in a ''[protein|search|sigM]'' mutant [Pubmed|22211522]The protein
Catalyzed reaction/ biological activity
autophosphorylation, phosphorylation of [SW|Spo0F], regulates the onset of sporulation by inhibiting the activity of [SW|Spo0A] until matrix, or a component therein, is sensed [http://mbio.asm.org/content/1/1/e00035-10.full PubMed]dual role as a [SW|phosphatase] or a [SW|kinase], activity is linked to the presence of extracellular matrix in the biofilms [Pubmed|20689749]mainly active in the younger, outer regions of a colony (with [protein|search|KinC]) [Pubmed|21097618][SW|Domains]
two transmembrane segments, between them the extracellular pyruvate-binding sensing domain that consists of tandem PAS-like domains [Pubmed|23436677,22716461]C-terminal histidine phosphotransferase domainsee [Pubmed|22716461] for a scheme of the domain organizationModification
autophosphorylation on a His residueEffectors of protein activity
activity is stimulated by direct or indirect interaction with [protein|search|Med] [Pubmed|21622736]L-malate seems to trigger KinD activity [Pubmed|22716461], but this effect may be indirect due to the excretion of pyruvate that directly binds the extracytoplasmic sensing domain of KinD [Pubmed|23436677]kinase activity is triggered and phosphatase activity is decreased by increased osmotic pressure [Pubmed|22882172]activity is triggered in the presence of glycerol + manganese [Pubmed|23564171]Structure
[PDB|4DBJ] (extracytoplasmic sensing domain) [Pubmed|23436677][SW|Localization]
[protein|search|KinD]-[SW|Spo0F][protein|search|FloT]-[protein|search|KinD] [Pubmed|26297017]References