malic enzyme, forms a transhydrogenation cycle with MalS for balancing of NADPH
malate utilization
NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase
Genomic Context
[category|SW 2|Metabolism] → [category|SW 2.2|Carbon metabolism] → [category|SW 2.2.2|Utilization of specific carbon sources] → [category|SW|Utilization of organic acids][category|SW 6|Groups of genes] → [category|SW 6.4|Phosphoproteins] → [category|SW 6.4.1|Phosphorylation on an Arg residue][SW|Categories] containing this gene/protein
[SW|utilization of specific carbon sources], [SW|most abundant proteins]Gene
Coordinates on the chromosome (coding sequence)
2,989,900 -> 2,991,132
Phenotypes of a mutant
Poor growth with malate as single carbon source [Pubmed|16788182]The protein
Catalyzed reaction/ biological activity
(S)-malate NADP = pyruvate CO2 NADPH (according to Swiss-Prot) malate <--> pyruvate Protein family
malic enzymes family (according to Swiss-Prot)Paralogous protein(s)
[PDB|1WW8] (from ''Pyrococcus horikoshii'', 46% identity, 63% similarity)[SW|Localization]
Cytoplasm (Homogeneous) [Pubmed|16479537]Expression and Regulation
''[protein|search|ytsJ]'' [Pubmed|9387221]Additional information
belongs to the 100 [SW|most abundant proteins] [PubMed|15378759]Biological materials
GP612 (spc), available in [SW|Jörg Stülke]'s labGP1143 (spc), available in [SW|Jörg Stülke]'s labGFP fusion
GP1432 (spc, based on [SW|pGP1870]), available in the [SW|Stülke] labFLAG-tag construct
GP1131 (spc, based on [SW|pGP1331]), available in [SW|Jörg Stülke]'s labLabs working on this gene/protein
[SW|Stephane Aymerich], Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, INRA Paris-Grignon, FranceReferences