elongation factor P, important for the proteins containing three or more consecutive proline residues
elongation factor P
Genomic Context
[category|SW 3|Information processing] → [category|SW 3.3|Protein synthesis, modification and degradation] → [category|SW 3.3.1|Translation] → [category|SW|Translation factors][category|SW 4|Lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.1|Exponential and early post-exponential lifestyles] → [category|SW 4.1.4|Swarming][SW|Categories] containing this gene/protein
[SW|translation], [SW|membrane proteins], [SW|sporulation/ other]Gene
Coordinates on the chromosome (coding sequence)
2,538,115 -> 2,538,672
Phenotypes of a mutant
impaired swarming motility [Pubmed|15066026,27002156]inactivation of ''[SW|efp]'' reduces sporulation efficiency to 1% that of wild type cells [Pubmed|26735940]The protein
Protein family
transpeptidase family (according to Swiss-Prot) elongation factor P family (according to Swiss-Prot)Modification
carries a 5-aminopentanol moiety at Lys-32, this modification is essential for activity [Pubmed|27002156]Structure
[PDB|1YBY] (Efp from ''Clostridium thermocellum'')[SW|Localization]
cell membrane (according to Swiss-Prot), cell membrane (according to Swiss-Prot)Additional information
subject to Clp-dependent proteolysis upon glucose starvation [PubMed|17981983]Expression and Regulation
Additional information
subject to Clp-dependent proteolysis upon glucose starvation [PubMed|17981983]Biological materials
BKE24450 (''[protein|search|efp]''::''erm'', available in the BGSC and in [SW|Jörg Stülke]'s lab)References
Original publications