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feuA→ybbA operon
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feuA→ybbA operon


sigma factors

  • [protein|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA]: sigma factor, [Pubmed|17725565], in [regulon|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA regulon]
  • regulatory mechanism

  • [protein|F899F1EE27E6D503BCC06BC52E3C7FD80B8EF725|Fur]: repression, [pubmed|12354229], in [regulon|F899F1EE27E6D503BCC06BC52E3C7FD80B8EF725|Fur regulon]
  • [protein|EB28A65CECE994DF2DF486DEACF40F2533703DB0|Btr]: activation, in the presence of the co-activators bacillibactin or enterobactin [Pubmed|17725565], in [regulon|EB28A65CECE994DF2DF486DEACF40F2533703DB0|Btr regulon]
  • regulation

  • expression during spore [SW|germination] is strongly reduced under conditions of osmotic stress [Pubmed|27766092]
  • induced by iron starvation (second wave to allow iron scavenging from the environment) ([protein|F899F1EE27E6D503BCC06BC52E3C7FD80B8EF725|Fur]) [pubmed|29133393]
  • expression of the operon is strongly induced at the beginning of [SW|biofilm formation] [pubmed|31113899]
  • additional information

  • the presence of an iron-responsive element bound by [SW|CitB] between ''[SW|feuA]'' and ''[SW|feuB]'' suggests iron-dependent regulation by [SW|CitB] [Pubmed|10468622]