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uvrB→uvrA operon
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uvrB→uvrA operon


regulatory mechanism

  • [protein|D267AF38B0CF107042326E9B8F3DD3C9C85840E4|LexA]: repression, [Pubmed|8226626], in [regulon|D267AF38B0CF107042326E9B8F3DD3C9C85840E4|LexA regulon]
  • regulation

  • induced upon DNA damage ([protein|D267AF38B0CF107042326E9B8F3DD3C9C85840E4|LexA]) [Pubmed|8226626]
  • additional information

  • during [protein|search|sporulation] expressed both in the forespore and the mother cell [PubMed|24118570]
  • expression is induced in the presence of Cr(VI) [pubmed|30745368]