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ribD→ribT operon
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ribD→ribT operon


sigma factors

  • [protein|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA]: sigma factor, [Pubmed|8159171], in [regulon|360F48D576DE950DF79C1A2677B7A35A8D8CC30C|SigA regulon]
  • regulatory mechanism

  • [regulon|FMN-box|FMN-box]: transcription termination, via [SW|FMN-box] in the presence of FMN or FMNH2, this is counter-acted upon binding of [protein|3D32B6C1DC9CAC615B02E14EA846648C3B0E61D6|RibR], in [regulon|FMN-box|FMN-box]
  • regulation

  • expressed in the absence of FMN ([SW|FMN-box]) [Pubmed|15808508]
  • binding of FMN to the [SW|FMN-box] RNA is facilitated by [protein|43CFA3477B4EEB4CE0B2DF63ED2B5EDB171E79C7|NusG]-mediated transcription pausing [pubmed|32817529]
  • the [SW|FMN-box] RNA is degraded by [protein|872CCB5A49C9000BD95E4B0472556D5F60F7D7A4|RNase Y] [pubmed|29794222]