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Category: Flagellar proteins
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Category: Flagellar proteins


4. Lifestyles

4.1. Exponential and early post-exponential lifestyles

4.1.1. Motility and chemotaxis Flagellar proteins

flgBmovement and chemotaxis
flgCmovement and chemotaxis
flgDflagellar hook assembly
flgEmovement and chemotaxis
flgKmotility and chemotaxis
flgLmotility and chemotaxis
flhAflagellum and nanotube assembly
flhBflagellum and nanotube assembly
flhFplacement and assembly of polar flagella
flhOmotility and chemotaxis
flhPmotility and chemotaxis
fliD[category|SW 4.1.1|Motility and chemotaxis]
fliEmovement and chemotaxis
fliFmovement and chemotaxis
fliGmovement and chemotaxis
fliHmovement and chemotaxis
fliIexport of flagellar proteins
fliJmovement and chemotaxis
fliKmovement and chemotaxis
fliLmovement and chemotaxis
fliMmovement and chemotaxis
fliPflagellum and nanotube assembly
fliQflagellum and nanotube assembly
fliRflagellum and nanotube assembly
fliS[category|SW 4.1.1|Motility and chemotaxis]
fliTmovement and chemotaxis
fliWcontrol of [protein|93F328524989597C7D2329B25E665496C9631E87|CsrA] activity
fliYmovement and chemotaxis
fliZflagellum and nanotube assembly
hag[SW|motility and chemotaxis]
motA[category|SW 4.1.1|Motility and chemotaxis]
motB[category|SW 4.1.1|Motility and chemotaxis]
motP[SW|motility and chemotaxis]
motS[SW|motility and chemotaxis]
yhbEassembly of the flagellar hook and filament
yhbFassembly of the flagellar hook and filament
yvyGflagellar filament assembly