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Category: Acquisition of iron / Other
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Category: Acquisition of iron / Other


1. Cellular processes

1.3. Homeostasis

1.3.3. Acquisition of iron Acquisition of iron / Other

besAiron acquisition
btrregulation of iron acquisition
cypXbiosynthesis of the extracellular iron chelator pulcherrimin
dhbAbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dhbBbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dhbCbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dhbEbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dhbFbiosynthesis of the siderophore bacillibactin
dpsiron storage, survival of of stress conditions
fbpARNA chaperone
fbpBRNA chaperone
furregulation of iron homoeostasis
hmoAdegradation of heme
hmoBdegradation of heme, acquisition of iron
mrgAiron storage,
pchRcontrol of pulcherriminic acid biosynthesis
ybbAiron acquisition from enterobactin [pubmed|28283524]
ymfDiron acquisition
ytpQmaybe involved in iron homeostasis
yvmCbiosynthesis of the extracellular iron chelator pulcherrimin