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Category: Cell wall/ other
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Category: Cell wall/ other


1. Cellular processes

1.1. Cell envelope and cell division

1.1.5. Cell wall/ other

clpCprotein degradation, positive regulator of autolysin ([protein|6A21293823151C6980BF52B31A4B249A8440F2E1|LytC] and [protein|29219315D31BA4ADE41687EFF17FE41D6C23D157|LytD]) synthesis
cpgAribosome assembly, coordination of peptidoglycan deposition in the cell wall, metabolite proofreading
cwlCmother cell lysis
cwlDspore cortex peptidoglycan synthesis
cwlJspore germination
lytHendospore cortex maturation
pdaAspore cortex peptidoglycan synthesis
pdaCcell wall modification
reoMcontrol of peptidoglycan biosynthesis
reoYcontrol of peptidoglycan biosynthesis
spoIIDdissolution of the septal cell wall
spoIIMdissolution of the septal cell wall
walHcontrol of cell wall metabolism
walIcontrol of cell wall metabolism
walKcontrol of cell wall metabolism
walRcontrol of cell wall metabolism
wapAintercellular competition
wprAprotein quality control
ydjMmay be involved in cell wall metabolism ([regulon|7F340423A34CE40D1F1AA8D373F7C4B859A6496D|WalR regulon])
ykfBcell wall metabolism
ykfCcell wall metabolism
yqgTcell wall metabolism
yrrLdetermination of peptidoglycan chain length